Terezakis works and projects in Art and Technology including Sacred Sky Sacred Earth, Healing Light, All the Names of God, and other works of art from 1974 until....

Family History

Up One Level


Wishes posted are Internet submissions.  Recorded wishes are played at exhibitions.

"I wish GOD would continue to manifest His Spirit in me that i may continue to do HIS work.'"

"I wish that every child could grow up feeling loved and protected."
- Anonymous

"I wish that all of humanity will come out of selfishness,greed,and all the negative mind set that they choose to operate in. All of Humanity shall come into the complete oneness with the I AM, the ALL in us and truely operate under the laws and principles of the universe. Once all of humanity start operating under the complete oneness all our global issues will ceace to exist. That is my wish for all of humanity. "
By Trever Copeland, Hartford Connecticut

"I wish God would just take me ..... I'm so tired."
- Anonymous

"I wish to die peacefully today. i can't stand my life now. I wish it would come true."
- Anonymous

- Teodora

"I wish to be given the strength to learn the lessons I came to accomplish on this journey to earth.  I pray to be given enlightment to accept what ever comes my way, and transform negatives into love through my heart center.  Our heart is our 4th energy center is our transformer from heaven to earth and visa-versa.  All thoughts are energy and are turned into energy through our heart."  - Athanasia

"I wish to die. That is the only true escape from this hell we call life. I wish to leave this shell (and all of you miserable fucks) behind. I wish to move on to something better, or nothing at all. Either way- I'm off this rock, and away from you. Not enough of you will wake up and realize that none of this really matters. We are only here for a moment- enjoy it, and get the fuck along. World peace can only hope to be a pipe dream, so i wish for true peace- death!" - rick

"I wish all the living beings,not only on our planet but all around the known and
unknown worlds,to get away from their pains." - Anonymous

"I wish the knot in my heart and stomach could be replaced by a warm true light."
Shelly,  Colorado

"I wish it was all easy." - Anonymous

"I wish I could see the Truth."
- Anonymous

"I wish that my sister and I will one day talk again.  It's been years."
- Anonymous,  San Diego

"I wish to be with Angelica & creating heaven here after exploring with her
higher dimensions!" - Anonymous

"I wish for universal acceptance between all inhabitants of the earth.   Acceptance that everyone and
everything is an integral part of this universe and beyond. I wish everyone could take the perspective
of every other person, and understand and do what makes them smile.
I wish to hear and see everything." - Anonymous

"I wish more people around this world were aware of the healing power offered by 'Kitaro' music."
- Charles E. Guffey, San Diego, Ca. kitaromusic.com

"I wish life wouldn't be so damned mysterious!!!"
- Anonymous

" I wish we understood the universe."
- Marc, Punta Gorda Florida

"I wish all children could grow up feeling truly loved."
- Sharon, Poway CA

"In these days of rage, I wish for love. Only love can bring us together."
- Chrissi, Chicago

"I wish that all peoples of the world could experience abundant
nourishment for body and soul."
- Sandra Long, San Diego, CA

"I wish mdma wouldn't lower the serotonin level in your brain."
- Anonymous

"I wish everyone could know true love for just a day."
- Anonymous

"I wish for the end of all "hate crimes" and the dawining of
all-encompassing brotherly love.
As a first step, I wish for the defeat of George W. Bush in 2004."
- Anonymous

"I wish that the American public will wake up and realize what's happening to our
country under the leadership (?) of George W. Bush.
I am praying to whomever may have control of it that he be
defeated in 2004 for the sake of humanity."
- Anonymous

"I wish to make love in a ferocious thunderstorm before I leave this planet."
- Anonymous

"I wish for sisters and brothers to get along;
this would create a model for all mankind- if sisters and brothers can't get along,
how do we expect there to be no war ?"
- Cathy Jo, La Jolla

" I wish for inner peace."
- Chris of San Diego

"I wish I could be with my loved ones more often."
- Anonymous

"I wish to know a grandchild."
- Anonymous

"I wish for Peace and Understanding among families,
friends and the world.
We are all so blessed in so many ways and
we don't take time to share those blessings with loved ones."
- Sandy San Diego, California

"I wish for an infinite number of wishes.
I wish that wishes were horses that beggars could ride.
I wish that I didn't have to be careful about what I wish for.
I wish for the wisdom to wish well.
I wish for no wish to wish"
- Eddie, NC

"I wish people would truly remember 9-11.
Maybe then they would be more keen to understand the need to fight
terrorists and be more pro-American."
- Jennifer, San Diego

"I wish for complete and total TRUTH in the WORLD.  I wish the world to wake up.
I wish that people could hear the cry of our earth and understand her tears.
I just wish for PEACE in the World and happiness for everything on it.
I wish my heart would stop hurting. I wish for healing and LOVE."
- Anonymous

"I wish that all the liberals in California or everywhere for that matter
would open their eyes and see the truth."
- Anonymous

"I wish that I could be someone's wish."
- Mel   La Jolla, California

"I wish that everyone could just get along." 
- Susan Julian, California

"I wish for world peace."
- Jeff  San Diego, California

"I wish our sons and daughters were all home - safe from war."
- Margaret  San Diego California

"I wish we would run out of oil." 
-Mark  San Diego, California

"I wish the money that was spent on the California recall was applied to the
state's education budget instead."
- Lindsay  San Diego, California

"I wish we could build more houses in California and take advantage of all the
land that is currently undeveloped as state parks.  This way we could pay off the
state debt in record time and create lots of jobs and economic opportunity!"
- Mike  San Diego, California

"I wish we had a president who truly cared about the future of our country."
- Thomas  San Diego, California

Up One Level